Thursday, February 14, 2008


Picture this. A bold strong voice starts to speak, 'somewhere deep in the middle of nowhere, a man is reborn. The ashes from his previous life .. .. ' . . and it goes on. Just like in the beginning of the trailers of those Hollywood action hero flicks. Got a faint idea? ok .. thats it, stop. Why? Naah .. i just wanted to make an entry (ok, yea .. in style).
After a hiatus of a little more than a year, I thought I'd pick up my dusty pen (not literally) and start blogging again. This feels a bit weird now .. so i apologise for any bullshit that i may post or for posts that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.
If you ask any of my friends - or you can save the trouble and just believe when i say it - i love eggs. Why in chicken's name am i talking about eggs now, you may ask? Hold on hold on .. i'm coming to the point. Its simple actually. Scrambled or hard boiled .. eggs find a place in my list of favourite food! My favourite egg preparation is the .. sunny side up kind. Hence, the renaming of my blog. To my fellow Malayalee brothers and sisters, " aliya..nammude bullseye ille..adu thanne! " If someone wants me to explain this new title with reference to life, well .. i'm not going to start some inspirational talk and try to motivate anyone. To anyone who actually does ask me - you schmuck, can't you get it? Look up to life .. don't ever cower in front of it. Walk with your chin up high. I can't make it even more simpler than this.
In the past one year, I've had my share of regrets, (unfortunatey) bagged a job in an IT company and realised that I had some of the best years of my life in college after I became an alumnus of the same. I became an engineer too .. somewhere along the way.
Lets bring back that voice again - ' keep reading this space, stay tuned for more .. ' Ok, enough of that now.


Chellu said...
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Chellu said...

Phew..I thought you are gonna do what u r best at 'BAB'!I liked the 'Aliya....' the best..:P.Waiting for ur posts..Cheers

tunia said...

egg monster!
your posts are very positive just like you..