Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Grinch who stole Valentine's Day

Although I'm a bit overdue with this post, I thought maybe I would highlight the plight of all the single people out there. And with Valentine's Day just passed, I've found it apt to write this post now ... else I'd have received so many messages from my various committed friends, calling me a bloody killjoy ... who's trying to incite all the singletons to boycott Valentine's Day!
Over the centuries, Valentine's Day has become a tender-hearted holiday when we all take time to say "I love you" to those who are near and dear to our hearts. Whether that's achieved through a melting romantic poem written just for her, a sentimental hand-written note, a carefully selected greeting card, a dozen roses, a box of candy, or even an e-card, V-Day is special to all who receive a token of affection on that day. Love is in the air. Love is an emotion for which you would give up everything, to just feel it once, to know that you are part of something special. Though I may not have the required expertise to comment on love as I have'nt been in any relationship till date (nah, not a big deal) , I've seen love blossom - and shatter - many a time around me.
Let me reverse roles for a moment here. For the next few lines I write, I am a pessimistic love-hater who loathes Valentine's Day. For as long as I can remember, V-day has come and gone like an irritating zit on my nose. Lovey-dovey couples getting all mushy over each other, not-so lovey-dovey couples incessantly telling how much they love each other though they dont show their feelings effusively, long-time couples sighted scurrying around malls and supermarkets looking to nab the perfect gifts for each other .. gifts that hurls the words 'i love you' louder than each other's ... ... who can stand all this?
The ones I feel who cant stand all this ... are the singletons. The singles could completely denounce the stories behind Saint Valentine and Cupid (whats' the story behind Saint Valentine btw? ). Everywhere they look there are mixtures of red and pink. "God I hate pink", they'll say. The singletons complain that not finding a girl or date atleast on V-Day has worsened their current state of loneliness and dejection. Singles bear the brunt of any social gathering too. They are excluded from weekend evening events. People assume that because they are single they don't have anything to do, they can take the travel assignment that no one wants .. and they can cover the holidays. So how do the singletons survive this day? Ignoring this FAKE day is a start! Vehemently scream - "Valentine's Day is fraud!"
Back to my other role. A dear friend of mine believes that 'good things happen when you least expect them to' . In his quiver, Cupid's got arrows with our names inscribed on them. He's got a long list which pairs each one of us with our meant-to-be. When the time is right, he'll strike. You might not be ready for the gentle poke on your arse, but that's how he works. Why do we have to tell our dear ones that we love them so much, only on V-Day? So fellow singletons, its no big deal .. do not fret. Valentine's Day is just another day, come and gone, in our calendar. A day will come when true love slaps each one of us on the face (after Cupid does his job ofcourse) and then on the coming Feb 14, we'll passionately scream, 'I just love Valentine's Day!'

1 comment:

tunia said...

cant have one day to express your love.
I dont believe in valentine's day..but yeah..I do make sure every year at 12 if he's still willing to be mine..! even if we wont celebrate!