Friday, March 21, 2008


Ever since 15-year-old British girl Scarlett Keeling's heinous murder, there have been innumerable posts and comments in various websites by readers and bloggers alike expressing a medley of emotions - anger, sympathy, sentimental. I'm no different from them and this is how I feel.
Another crime against a woman in India making the news.
Whats' with this? Why is it that our men are such perverts?
For the past few months and years, crimes against women have been on the high-rise in India and have been making the headlines very quite often now. By crimes i mean molestation and rape ... and in many of these cases, murder is the final outcome.
Why do these men have to grope every female that crosses their path? Why do they gloat and congratulate each other when they do this? Whats' wrong with these maniacs? Such rhetorical questions have been hovering around for quite some time now.
Crimes such as Scarlett's murder have tarnished Goa's image as a free-wheeling oasis in straitlaced India. Foreign women will think thrice before heading to India to spend a vacation. The cops and law keepers aren't helping either .. as seen by how the first post mortem on Scarlett's body was botched up and the vehement denial of the Goan police and government that Scarlett was ever murdered. There's a lot of corruption involved in the political system and this has to be sorted out.
I'm sure people have made up their own minds about the rape and murder of Scarlett by a couple of drug-peddling sickos. When I read about such things in the news, i burn with furore inside. This frustration is coupled with shamefulness. I'm filled with shame and disgrace knowing that such men walk the streets of
my country. If I had things my way, these people deserve to be castrated and be subjected to a couple of fatal kicks to their 'swinging freedom's (the way a good friend of mine describes 'it') .
This post wouldn't be complete without venting out my reaction to the actions of Fiona MacKeown, Scarlett's mother. A 15-year-old teenage girl is out alone, high on drugs and alcohol, vulnerable to the evil of the world - again, whats' with this? She needs to be protected from the society around her. This mother must be sick in her mind to leave her teenage daughter in the care of strangers in a foreign country, while she headed off to a different state with her other eight younger children. I feel sympathy for her at her loss .. but her irresponsible actions sometimes take that feeling away from me.
India's image of a being a safe country (for women especially) is being tarnished .. and to put an end to that, the perverted criminals who lurk in the society need to be taught a lesson. And quick.

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